Hoy hago un post rápido para recopilar algunos libros de historia en inglés que tenemos en nuestra Lista de Deseos Curiosa. Importante: no los conozco todos por dentro, pero los he seleccionado porque me parecen curiosos, porque conozco otros libros de la misma editorial, o porque tenemos referencias de la misma autoría por otras de sus obras.
Esto se me ocurrió a raíz de una pregunta que lanzó en su cuenta de Instagram Mariña, del genial blog Spanglishpeque (¡que ya estáis tardando en descubrir!). Son una familia que cría bilingüe en España utilizando el método OPOL (one parent, one language), y su blog tiene muchísimos recursos e información interesante, además de aportar su propia experiencia en esta aventura.
Ahora te dejo un listado de los libros que tengo apuntados. No están ordenados, simplemente los voy poniendo según el tiempo que llevan en nuestra lista. Te dejo los datos básicos y la reseña de la editorial en inglés. Si ya los conoces, ¡me encantará que nos cuentes tu opinión en comentarios!
Si te interesa alguno de ellos, te dejo al final un listado de enlaces de compra en Amazon, pero como es un post muy largo, te voy dejando los enlaces en los títulos también (los verás en azul). ¡Vamos allá!
Libros de Historia en Inglés
Tenemos dos títulos de esta serie en castellano y os puedo decir que son una auténtica joya. Transmite la historia de la vida como si fuese un cuento, maravillosamente narrado, que a mis peques les fascina.
En este enlace tienes la web de Catherine Barr, donde puedes encontrar, además de toda su obra, un interesante apartado de «Recursos Didácticos«, con sugerencias de actividades para hacer con la gente Pequeña.
Aquí te dejo algunos de sus títulos:
Tapa dura/blanda, 40 páginas.
At first, nothing lived on Earth. It was a noisy, hot, scary place. Choking gas exploded from volcanoes and oceans of lava bubbled around the globe…
Then in the deep, dark ocean, something amazing happened.
This is an exciting and dramatic story about how life began and developed on Planet Earth, written especially for younger children.
The authors explain how the first living cell was created, and how the cells multiply and create jellyfish and worms, and then fish with bendy necks, which drag themselves out of the water into swampy forests. They tell the story of the biggest creatures that have ever walked on land – the dinosaurs. Long after that, hairy creatures who have babies, not eggs, take over, stand on two legs and spread around the world, some of them living through cataclysmic events such as ice ages and volcanic eruptions. Everyone living today is related to these survivors.
Tapa dura. 40 páginas.
When did the first humans live?
How did humans spread all over the world?
How has science and technology changed the way we live?
And what will happen to humans in the future?
The team behind The Story of Space and The Story of Life present a first book about the human world for very young children, looking at how humans evolved and the history of humanity up to the present day.
Tapa dura, 40 páginas.
This brilliant book introduces 15 of the world’s most incredible inventions to children. Using bitesize text and beautifully bright illustrations this is the perfect book for science and history lovers everywhere.
The world is brimming full of incredible inventions – but where did it all begin? How did these incredible inventions come about? Journey back in time, travel across the world and discover incredible inventions from throughout history.
- THE STORY OF SPACE. A first book about our UNIVERSE.
Tapa dura, 40 páginas.
Before the Big Bang there was NOTHING AT ALL.
No galaxies, no space, no light and no sound.
Then suddenly, 13.8 billion years ago, IT ALL BEGAN…
This beautiful follow-up to The Story of Life brings to life the story of our universe for younger children. Travel back in time to the Big Bang, see galaxies and stars form, watch the birth of our planet and how life begins, join the first man on the moon, and wonder what mysteries are still waiting to be discovered.
Autoría: Jeffrey Brown.
Editorial: Random House USA Children’s Books.
Tapa blanda, 224 páginas. A partir de 8 años.
Esta es una divertidísima colección de cómics que aúna contenido científico e histórico en torno a la prehistoria. Incluye una sección especial de paleontología que ayuda a disipar los mitos comunes, y muy de actualidad, sobre el hombre Neandertal y los orígenes de la humanidad.
Hay tres volúmenes:
- LUCY & ANDY NEANDERTHAL. The Stone Cold Age (tomo 2).
- LUCY & ANDY NEANDERTHAL. Bad to the Bones (tomo 3).
«Lucy and Andy are a sister and brother who get into trouble much like any sister and brother. Only difference? Lucy and Andy live in the Stone Age! Discover their laugh-out-loud adventures as the Paleo pair take on a wandering baby sibling, bossy teens, cave paintings, and a mammoth hunt. But what will happen when they encounter a group of humans?
Includes extra information about Neanderthal life that’s sure to appeal to future paleontologists and science phobes alike!»
De esta autora tenemos en casa LA HISTORIA DE ATENEA, un librazo espectacular sobre esta diosa griega, y estamos esperando la llegado de otra joya suya: MARIE CURIE Y SUS HIJAS.
Pues tiene también una serie de libros, DISCOVER, sobre el imperio romano, el imperio azteca y la antigua Grecia que estoy segura de que son impresionantes también. Están disponibles tanto en inglés como en castellano.
En este enlace tienes la web de la ilustradora, Isabel Greenberg, para que puedas ver todo su trabajo. ¡Nos encanta!
Te dejo aquí los de inglés:
Tapa dura, 32 páginas. A partir de 8 años.
Learn everything you need to know about the Ancient Greeks, and some of the things they’d rather you didn’t find out! Packed full of facts and witty asides, this book, which includes a fold-out map and timeline, uses comic strips to explore a different theme or topic on every spread. Created by graphic novelist Isabel Greenberg and her sister, Imogen Greenberg, the Discover…series offers a fresh and accessible entry point to history for children 8+.
Tapa dura, 32 páginas. A partir de 8 años.
The second in a series on key historical periods, launching with the Romans and Ancient Egyptians and followed by the Vikings and Ancient Greeks. Each spread explores a different theme or topic specific to the Romans, including the Roman Empire, gladiators, the Roman Army and the engineering and architechtural feats, and a timeline.
Tapa dura, 32 páginas. A partir de 8 años.
Learn everything you need to know about the Ancient Aztecs, and some of the things they’d rather you didn’t find out! Packed full of facts and witty asides, this book, which includes a fold-out map and timeline, uses comic strips to explore a different theme or topic on every spread.
HISTORY ATLAS. Heroes, villains and Magnificents Maps from Fifteen Extraordinary Civilizations
Autoría: Thiago de Moraes.
Editorial: Alison Green Books.
Tapa dura, 96 páginas. A partir de 5 años.
De este autor tenemos el ATLAS DE MITOS y podemos decir que es una auténtica pasada, además de muy original. Ambos títulos están disponibles tanto en inglés como en castellano.
La reseña de la editorial dice:
«Prepare to embark on a global tour through time. You might want to take a map…
But this is no ordinary atlas. The maps in History Atlas are rich visual extravaganzas, packed with kings, queens, heroes, villains, inventors, artists and explorers.
Travel from Ancient Egypt and Rome to Ethiopia, Russia and China, and meet movers and shakers of world history from Genghis Khan to Martin Luther King. With quirky facts, astonishing characters, humorous details and compelling stories, this is history at its most entertaining.»
Autoría: Kira Vermond. Ilustración: Julie McLaughlin.
Tapa blanda, 48 páginas. A partir de 8 años.
Este libro lo tengo en la lista primero porque me ha conquistado la ilustración (siempre me atrae mucho este punto, y suelo acertar luego si el libro nos gusta o no solo por la portada). En este enlace tienes la web de la ilustradora, Julie McLaughlin: tiene un montón de trabajos que tengo que investigar, porque tienen una pinta estupenda.
Y el segundo motivo es por lo curiosa que me resulta en la temática. Fíjate en lo que dice la editorial:
«Why do you live where you do? The answer is a lot more complicated than it might seem. Why that house? Why this community? Why do cities sprout where they do? And what makes living there even possible? Geography, topography, climate, landscape, food, politics, economics, and more all play a role in how we choose the place we call home. This book takes readers on a tour of various ways humans adapt to our environments — or change them to suit our needs. It considers the big picture — we live on Earth because it has a breathable atmosphere — right down to the little things, like friendly neighbors, that simply make us happy. Why We Live Where We Live looks back in history at the transition from nomadic hunting to farming and the rise of cities following the Industrial Revolution. It also looks ahead to anticipate new concerns: how will climate change and rising water affect people who live near the ocean? Can humans survive in space? This comprehensive, cross-curricular resource will equip readers with solid background in human habitation and context about their place on the planet.»
Además, está a un precio estupendo.
A CITY THROUGH TIME. From Ancient Colony to Vast Metropolis
Ilustrado por Steve Noon.
Editorial DK.
Tapa dura, 48 páginas. A partir de 7 años.
Este me pareció un libro curioso porque podemos seguir la historia a través de los cambios que van ocurriendo en una ciudad a lo largo de los siglos. Siendo de la editorial DK, tiene que ser espectacular.
«Created by the illustrator of the award-winning A Street Through Time, this stunning picture book that has been revised and updated for a new generation of young readers vividly brings to life the history and growth of the city, beginning with the birth of a fictional Greek colony and ending with a modern metropolisa captivating journey through 2,500 years.»
HISTORY YEAR BY YEAR: A journey through time, from mammoths and mummies to flying and facebook
En casa los libros de la editorial DK triunfan siempre. Sobre Historia en castellano tenemos este libro (en inglés aquí), pero hoy te enseño este otro, que abarca más épocas, y que si lo hubiera traducido, lo hubiese cogido seguro.
La editorial nos cuenta lo siguiente:
«Journey through a mammoth timeline, richly illustrated with over 1500 photos, maps and illustrations. Written in association with the esteemed Smithsonian Museum.
Take chronological steps through human history, starting long before we even began to write. Learn about significant global events like the rise of different societies, revolutions, invasions, and new discoveries. Meet the most memorable people from history books including charismatic leaders, brutal dictators, influential thinkers, and innovative scientists.
This history book covers the following eras:
- 6.5 MYA – 3000 BCE Before History Began
- 3000 BCE – 700 BCE Really Ancient History
- 700 BCE – 500 CE Much More Civilisation
- 500 – 1450 The Marvellous Middle Ages
- 1450 – 1750 Exploring and Reforming
- 1750 – 1850 Time for Change
- 1850 – 1945 Empires and World Wars
- 1945 – Present Fast Forward
FIRST HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA: A First Reference Book for Children
Editorial DK. Tapa blanda, 136 páginas. A partir de 7 años.
Otro libro interesante de DK, que pertenece a una colección que se llama DK First Reference, y que tendré que hacer un post aparte, porque incluye temas tan dispares e interesantes como el cuerpo humano, cómo funcionan las cosas o gramática y signos de puntuación. ¡Todo un descubrimiento!
«Important historical topics from the Stone Age and Ancient Egypt to the US Civil War and World War II are clearly explained in this fun and informative illustrated history book for children studying KS1 and KS2 subjects.»
THE COLOURS OF HISTORY: How Colours Shaped the World
Autoría: Clive Gifford. Ilustración: Marc-Étienne Peintre.
Editorial: QED Publishing.
Tapa dura, 64 páginas. A partir de 8 años.
A este libro le tengo muchas ganas por su tremenda originalidad. Se trata de un paseo por la historia a través de los colores y los usos que se les ha dado en cada época. De este autor tenemos EL LIBRO DE LAS COMPARACIONES, que es uno de los favoritísimos en casa.
«Why did Roman emperors wear purple? Which colour is made from crushed beetles? What green pigment might be used to build super-fast computers of the future? Find out the answers to these and many more questions in this vibrant exploration of the stories behind different colours, and the roles they’ve played throughout history. From black to white, and all the colours in between, every shade has a story to tell. Each colour group is introduced with a stunning and interpretive double-page spread illustration, followed by illustrated entries exploring the ‘colourful’ history of particular shades. With vivid, thought-provoking illustrations and engaging bite-sized text, this book is a feast for the eyes and the mind, ready to enthral budding artists and historians alike.»
Este libro pertenece a una colección muy chula de la editorial Usborne, de la que te hablé en este post, donde puedes ver cómo son por dentro en castellano, y el resto de títulos en inglés.
«Did you know that mammoths and pharaohs walked the earth at the same time? Or that over 30 types of gladiators fought in ancient Rome? This fascinating book is filled with 100 historical facts, bright, infographic-style illustrations, a glossary and index. There are also links to specially selected websites with video clips and more information.»
Autoría: Sonya Newland.
Editorial: Wayland.
Tapa blanda, 32 páginas. A partir de 9 años.
«Travel back to the time of the stone, bronze and iron ages! What was Britain like over 6000 years ago? Who lived on the island and what was it like? Explore these ancient civilisations to understand how prehistoric people have influenced the way we live today. Discover the artefacts that give evidence of their way of life.
The Explore! series takes an all-round, hands-on approach to history, making the subject relevant to all area of curriculum learning – geography, art, literacy and numeracy. Each book features a diary entry, a fun craft-based activity, and a quiz.»
Editorial DK.
Tapa blanda, 64 páginas. A partir de 7 años.
Esta es otra colección de la editorial DK, muy interesante, que incluye más títulos, tanto de historia como de otras temáticas. Como siempre, imágenes realistas espectaculares y textos cortos y precisos, además de una estupenda relación calidad/precio.
«Find out how early humans hunted a woolly mammoth, made fire, and created cave paintings in this fascinating book for children about the Stone Age. For any kid who can’t get enough of Stone Age facts, DKfindout! Stone Age is packed with up-to-date information, fun quizzes, and incredible images of every aspect of Stone Age life. Discover what Stone Age people wore, sample some of their favorite foods, and read about the history of wolves. Look inside the Stone Age, and learn all about the Iron Age, Bronze Age, and the Ice Ages, too. All the information is broken down into bite-sized chunks, and the colorful illustrations bring history to life.»
STONE AGE TO IRON AGE (The History Detective Investigates)
Autoría: Clare Hibbert.
Editorial: Wayland.
Tapa blanda, 32 páginas. A partir de 9 años.
Tanto este título como el anterior, se centran en Gran Bretaña.
«Find out all about the first Britons, nomadic hunter-gatherers who came from mainland Europe to settle in England bringing wooden spears, flint handaxes and animals with them.
Stone Age to Iron Age tells the story of how these people settled and began farming the land. They built villages of timber and stone houses such as Skara Brae on Orkney. Stonehenge is perhaps the most famous monument of this period, a technological marvel of the time built by raising over 80 blue stones to create the ‘henge’.
The Bronze Age bought with it metalworking using copper, tin and gold to make tools and beautiful everyday objects. The Iron Age was known for its hill forts, farming and art and culture.
Contains maps, paintings, artefacts and photographs to show how early Britons lived.»
Enlace de compra
Si te ha gustado alguno de estos libros y te quieres comprarlo, te dejo este listado de enlaces de compra en AMAZON, sin coste adicional para ti, y con el que recibimos una pequeña comisión que nos permite mantener este blog y seguir descubriendo recursos tan interesantes.
- THE STORY OF INVENTIONS. A first book about world-changing discoveries.
- THE STORY OF SPACE. A first book about our Universe.
- LUCY & ANDY NEANDERTHAL. The Stone Cold Age (tomo 2).
- LUCY & ANDY NEANDERTHAL. Bad to the Bones (tomo 3).
- HISTORY ATLAS. Heroes, villains and Magnificents Maps from Fifteen Extraordinary Civilizations.
- A CITY THROUGH TIME. From Ancient Colony to Vast Metropolis.
- HISTORY YEAR BY YEAR: A journey through time, from mammoths and mummies to flying and facebook.
- FIRST HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA: A First Reference Book for Children.
- THE COLOURS OF HISTORY: How Colours Shaped the World.
- STONE AGE TO IRON AGE (The History Detective Investigates).
¡Muchas gracias por leernos!